lab—life of artists in berlin
Valentina Galossi
lab—life of artists in berlin
an art guide
Denjenigen, die die pulsierende Kunstszene Berlins entdecken und darüber hinaus die Stadt kennenlernen wollen, will dieser Band eine Hilfe sein. 25 internationale, aufstrebende und etablierte Künstler, die in der Stadt leben und arbeiten werden vorgestellt. Schauen Sie ihnen bei der Arbeit im Atelier über die Schulter und begleiten Sie sie zu deren Lieblingsplätzen in der Stadt. Der Band ist viel mehr als nur ein Künstlerkatalog: Er ist der erste, der seine Protagonisten durch die zeitgenössische Kunstszene Berlins und zu den angesagten Orten der Stadt führt. Das ist Berlin, wie Sie es noch nie zuvor erlesen haben ...
For those who love to know Berlin or simply want to rediscover it, take this fascinating journey into the lives of 25 international artists who live and work in this vibrant city. On these pages, emerging and established talents become the trait d‘union with one of the hubs of 21st-century art. Slip into their lives as they lead you from their studios to their favorite Berlin haunts. This collaboration with some of the most prestigious and interesting galleries, museums and private collections in Berlin unlocks the secrets of the city’s art and social scene. This is more than an art catalog: it is the first art guide that will lead you through the streets of Berlin’s contemporary art scene, hand-in-hand with its 25 protagonists. This is Berlin as you‘ve never known it before ...
Valentina Galossi is an independent curator born in Rome and based in Berlin. She has several years of experience in the fields of Film, Performance and Fine Arts. In Rome, she worked as a Curator for the Ministry of Culture. In the past eight years, she has collaborated with international galleries, focusing on the contemporary art market. She has worked for various galleries in Berlin, including Galerie Jochen Hempel and the Sexauer Gallery. In 2015, Valentina curated »BerlinRoma – Reverse Inequality«, an international group exhibition at the Ebensperger Gallery. She also organized »Sundowner«, a series of interventions/performances on the terrace of the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin. Valentina Galossi currently works with contemporary artists. Life of artists in Berlin, is the first art guide of its kind and the first book she has written.
Vorgestellte Künstler/Featured artists: Christian Achenbach, Olivia Berckemeyer, Isabelle Borges, Viktoria Binschtok, Eli Cortiñas, Andrès Galeano, Jay Gard, Andreas Greiner, Gregor Hildebrandt, Bettina Khano, Schirin Kretschmann, Caroline Kryzecki, Gemis Luciani, Manfred Peckl, Anselm Reyle, Michael Sailstorfer, Pietro Sanguineti, Florian Schmidt, Tilo Schulz, Anja Schwörer, Anna Talens, Ignacio Uriarte, Peter Welz, Marlon Wobst and Michaela Zimmer.
1. Auflage 2018, 144 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Fadenheftung broschiert, 14,7 x 20,8 cm,
Euro 20.—
ISBN 978-3-945880-32-6